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Holiday tips from Ibiza Spotlight

Useful travel information on tourism offices, health and safety, Spanish food, getting around, shopping.and much more.

Tourism offices and telephone numbers

How to phone home and a list of important telephone numbers.
Tourism offices and telephone numbers

Food and drink

Spanish specialities and Ibizan foods and drinks. With many wonderful dishes you'd love to try...
Food and drink


Useful information on opening times, credit cards, banks, post offices and general retail therapy!

Getting around

Helpful hints on using local island transport, including how to drive safely on Ibiza's roads in summer...
Getting around

Taxi fares

Taxi fares and all phone numbers...
Taxi fares

Health & safety

Tips to avoid sunburn, heatrash or a poorly tummy. Also anti-theft tips and how to report a crime.
Health & safety


Where Ibiza's water comes from, whether it's drinkable and tips on how to save water.


Read our comprehensive guide on how to Keep Ibiza and Formentera green and clean.

Forest fires

Large forest fires in the history of Ibiza and tips on how to prevent them and how to stay safe.
Forest fires on Ibiza

Sustainable tourism tax

With effect from 1 July 2016 a Sustainable Tourism Tax has been imposed by the Balearic Government and is collected at the accommodation.
Sustainable Tourism Tax

Ladies first

Tips on safety, clothes shopping and sales! Plus medical hints and where to shop...
Ladies first

Young adults in Ibiza - the law

Before you go on holidays you should check the local laws and ensure that what you plan on doing in Ibiza is legal.
Young adults in Ibiza - the law

Learn Spanish

Impress the locals and your fellow holidaymakers by learning just a little bit of holiday Spanish...
Learn Spanish

Spanish vs. Catalan: understanding Ibiza's road signs

Even though Ibiza is part of Spain, the official language is in fact Catalan; however, locals are bilingual in both Spanish and Catalan.
Spanish vs. Catalan: understanding Ibiza road signs

HEADER PHOTO | by Oleksandr Pidvalnyi from Pexels


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