Ibiza 2010 Clubbing Preview 2 - Luciano News

Things have gone into overdrive in the last 6 weeks, as the schedule for Ibiza 2010 becomes increasingly full.......well, behind the scenes anyway.

Ibiza 2010 Clubbing Preview 1 | Ibiza 2010 Opening Parties

Howdy all, exciting times (as ever) here amongst the dirty secrets and shameless rumour-mongering of The Paradise Isle, so let's get down to business.......

Luciano/Cadenza Residency - This is done and dusted, Luciano will play a weekly Cadenza residency from the start of June, alongside his bestest pals like Reboot and Mirko Loko. So I guess you want to know the day and the club don't you? Yikes, I made a promise not to say, but you can guarantee there will be no putting his feet up on this day for the majestic Luciano. Big time party plans being made already for this, including major league Ushuaia pre-party shenanigans. Also, and you have to chuckle, Sven has got the hump about all this too, hence his Closing Party face off at Blue Marlin at the end of last season. C'mon Lucien, don't you know the 4th Ibiza Commandment......Thou shalt not piss off Sven Vath.

Run Forrest, Run

Hed Kandi @ Eden/Space/Privilege/Amnesia??? - We won't attempt to cause the same trouble we did last year when we scooped the Hed Kandi move to Space news, but the end result of that arrangement was that HK went to Space for the season. Now that's possibly finished, the Kandi gang are supposedly shopping around for somewhere to house the production of their Glitterball World Tour, check out the vid below.

Filling the Saturday void at Space are Republik, last year at El Divino, alongside Café Olé, who switch from Wednesday. More news next month on who takes the Wednesday spot at Space.......more line-up jiggery pokery!

Check out the gossip in the forums and all confirmed listings here.

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