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The Mayor's Views - Ibiza Town

In the second of our interviews with the mayors of Ibiza, we talk to Lurdes Costa

In the second of our interviews with the mayors of Ibiza, we talk to Lurdes Costa, the Mayoress of Vila (Ibiza Town). The island's first and only Lady Mayoress, has some interesting things to say about tourism in Spain's smallest municipality, Ibiza.

1. What type of tourism currently dominates the district of Vila and what type of tourist are you trying to attract?

Eivissa receives a very heterogeneous type of tourism and we estimate that practically every visitor to the island passes through the borough of Eivissa at some point or another during their stay, be it to explore Dalt Vila, visit the shops or enjoy the nightlife. What we are trying to encourage is that the average tourist takes an interest in the history and culture of the island and Eivissa itself- its gastronomy, its monuments, its hidden corners.

We are trying to maximise the image of Eivissa as something more than simply sun, beach and nightlife and we wish to attract a public that appreciate the finer elements, as already mentioned, which we consider help to make our borough such a great place to holiday.

2. What facilities are on offer to visitors during the off season?
Over the last few years, we have greatly increased the number of activities on offer to the tourist throughout the winter months. The recently opened tourist information office, Madina Yabisah, in Casa de la Curia, remains open throughout the year and due to its location, permits its visitors to become a little bit more familiar with the old city walls.

In the Dalt Vila itself, one has the opportunity to see and experience much more than in previous years- the Bastion of San Pere and that of San Jaume, the latter due to open soon; the Puget Museum, the Archaeological Museum, the Contemporary Art Museum which has recently and temporarily transferred to the Town Chapter House, and so on.

On top of that, the tourist zone of Talamanca remains open throughout the entire year and in actual fact, is a very attractive option for visitors in the winter months. All in all, we feel that we have a very full cultural and recreational programme on offer 12 months of the year.

3. What improvements are currently being carried out to the hotels and tourist infrastructure in general in your borough?

In the last number of years, all of the hotels in the Eivissa district have been reformed and bettered, signifying that for many, they have upgraded their potential enormously.

We already have a 5 star Hotel in Dalt Vila, The Mirador, and another one, the Ibiza Gran Hotel, due to open shortly near the harbour. Again, Talamanca is a very attractive winter option, with its three beaches and full tourist service on offer 365 days a year.

Talamanca in March

4. What impact or consequence will the new legislation on disco opening times have?

We believe that the new regulations surrounding the discos opening times is a very positive step forward and will greatly help co-existence on the island. Until now, it has been felt that the island in summer is specifically geared towards the incoming visitors and that their rights were not compatible with those of our residents. We feel now is the time to realign that balance, with logical timetabling of nocturnal activities; so that whilst there is time to party, there is also time to relax.

5. What are your views on the upcoming tourist season?

At the moment, and with the data available to us, it would seem that this season should bear very similar results to last year and that in itself can only be a good thing.

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